About AG Agro Foods Ltd.
AG Agro Foods Ltd. is a processed food company in Bangladesh. Producing Antibiotic Free Green Chicken which is halal, natural, chemical residue free and 100% vegetarian diet fed. Produce from its own farms. Also producing chicken and flour based frozen products.

AG Agro Foods Limited is a concern of AHSAN GROUP, one of the leading conglomerate in Bangladesh. Founded in 1986. Since then the group is operating business in diversified sectors including Trading (Agro, Fertilizer etc), Land development, Housing & Real Estate, Poultry & Fish feed mills, Breeder Farm, Hatchery, Investment, Ceramics etc.
AG Agro Foods Ltd. started its operation in 2015. Since its inception, it has been operating business in agro sector including production of green chicken from its own controlled farms and marketing of premium quality halal processed whole chicken and its parts and Antibiotic free Chicken in Bangladesh. This processing is done by contemporary automated European machines under strict quality control as per international standard. The product brand name of chicken is Green Chicken.

Exporting Country (UAE, Korea, Canada, Italy, Australia.)
Now we have 49 outlets all over Bangladesh.
(Dhaka, Mirpur, North Shahjahanpur, Dhaka, Khilgaon, Narsingdi, Mugdha, Ramna, Malibagh, Kakrail, Pantapath, Cantonment, Uttara, Gazipur, Narayanganj, Mymensingh, Munshiganj, Chittagong, Cox’s Bazar, Noakhali, Feni, Chandpur, B-Baria, Bogra, Rangpur, Sylhet, Tangail, Habiganj, Rajshahi, Khulna.)
AG Agro food Ltd. Products
Frozen Food Company in Bangladesh
Food is one of the most important things in our daily life. There is no substitute for food for the survival of every animal. But nowadays it is difficult to get good quality food. Therefore, considering the overall well-being of your family, AG Agro Foods Ltd has started our service as the best food company in Bangladesh. We offer better quality services than all the food companies in Bangladesh. You will find a variety of healthy processed food in our store. We have been transformed into the best-processed food company in Bangladesh for this healthy food. Through this, you will be able to collect from us all the Processed Food and Frozen foods required for all kinds of products from any part of Bangladesh.
So now let’s find out the details about why our product and company is the best-processed food company in Bangladesh.
What makes us the best processed food company in Dhaka, Bangladesh?
We are a bit different from any other processed food company in Bangladesh in terms of our products and services. We have been leading our food service in Bangladesh since 1986. So we are able to make the most important and quality service head to meet your family's need for processed food.
However, there are some issues that make it easy for us to position ourselves as the best-processed food company in Dhaka, Bangladesh. We focus on the right service to our valued customers alongside high-quality products. Due to this, from 1986 till now, we are known as a blessed name in various parts of the food industry of Bangladesh.
We carefully preserve all types of raw materials used in our products. In this way, the quality of each product remains the highest. So that, you can provide a portion of nutritious whole food for you. We have processed food stores in different districts of Bangladesh. Who are conducting their business and services with a very good reputation?
Alongside this, we have won various food-related awards in Bangladesh. We have received these from various companies for our quality service. We are a well-known and trusted processed food company in Bangladesh. So I hope you know the above and what makes us the best-processed food company in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Quality Frozen Food Company in Bangladesh
At AG Agro Foods Limited, we provide Quality Frozen Food all over Bangladesh. Our Frozen Food is considered to be the right food to make you healthy and to meet the needs of the right people. So we are known as a trusted name for Quality Frozen Food company in Bangladesh. So let's find out now from our Quality Frozen Food. Before we save each of our Frozen Foods, we check these things thoroughly. So let's find out how to select Healthy Frozen Foods in Bangladesh.
How to Select Healthy Frozen Foods in Dhaka Bangladesh?
Frozen food varieties can be stacked with sodium and various added substances, similarly as influencing you to feel hungry. Pick solid frozen food in Bangladesh which is helpful for your prosperity and besides tastes incredible! Frozen foods in Dhaka associations are overhauling their things to consolidate better, tastier, "veritable food" trimmings, buyers are responding. The market for sound frozen food varieties is unprecedented for a very long time. Regardless, there are some critical things to recall when visiting a grocery store.
1. Notice 5 grams of fiber.
When picking frozen food varieties, endeavor to pick decisions that contain somewhere near 5 grams of fiber for each serving. This will help with stomach-related prosperity and prompt you to feel full for a really long time, which infers fewer snacks in the eating schedule. Food sources that contain vegetables, whole grains, lemons, and other plant-based proteins increase fiber.
2. Notice 15 grams of protein.
Protein, not just aids fabricate solid muscles, bones, skin, and blood, it additionally assumes a part in insusceptibility and keeps up with liquid equilibrium. Focus on healthy frozen foods that contain somewhere around 15 grams of protein. Enjoying some time off from your protein admission for the duration of the day can assist you with boosting your ingestion. Likewise, having sufficient protein in your eating regimen will expand satiety and help with weight control.
3. Keep sodium 600 mg.
Eating an abundance of sodium can descend on your heart and kidneys and cause enlarging. A fair manual for isolating your body (and decreasing water upkeep) is to pick food sources with under 600 mg of sodium for each serving.
4. Buy plain frozen vegetables and season them yourself.
Sauce and cheddar frozen vegetables can be high in calories and sodium, so buy typical frozen vegetables and flavors at home. They will apparently taste better! Coming up next are 8 salt decisions that will give your food some extra flavor. 5. Pick 100% frozen natural items without sweets. Frozen natural items, which are picked and streak frozen when prepared, can be more nutritious than new. The primary concern is to hold fast to 100% regular items; Avoid sugar or syrup things. A piece of my cooler choices fuses frozen mixed berry, mango, and pineapple, which are great for quick smoothie mixing.
6. Limit bread and seared food sources.
While they may taste incredible, seared and breaded food varieties add extra calories, sodium, and fat. Taking everything into account, pick typical chicken or fish from Freezer Bangladesh that you can burn, hotness or grill at home with new flavors and flavors for extra flavor and food. Expecting you are not in the disposition to cook, pick 100% plant-based food varieties that contain a ton of vegetables.
7. Pick sturdy, low mercury level fish.
When picking frozen fish, go for more manageable choices that have lower mercury levels, like salmon, tilapia, shrimp, and shellfish. Dietary rules suggest eating two servings of greasy fish each week for the mind, eye, and heart wellbeing. Frozen choices can be a helpful and spending plan well-disposed method for getting more fish in your eating routine.
8. Track down the equilibrium
To capitalize on your frozen eating routine, pick decisions that provide you with a decent equilibrium of vegetables, entire grains, and lean protein. This will assist with giving the best bang for your sustenance while still fulfilling your taste buds. Search for entire grain fixings like earthy colored rice, grain, farro, and quinoa, or dull vegetables like yams, squash, and corn for quality sugars to check hunger. Healthy frozen foods might be normal foods that you would somehow or another make yourself; however you don't have the opportunity or energy to do so.
9. Focus on calories.
To control your calories, pick an eating routine that contains around 400-500 calories, or to customize it, about a fourth of your everyday caloric requirements (accepting you eat three suppers per day and eat a couple of little tidbits). Here is a table for rough calorie needs each day. For customized suggestions, it is ideal to counsel an enrolled dietitian. Bunches of frozen foods are additionally low in calories, which will presumably cause you to feel miserable and go after more food later on. Assuming the frozen food is little, you can generally consolidate it with a side dish or salad.
10. Survey the material rundown.
Prior to adding anything to your truck, take a gander at the fixings list. Is there a thing you don't have a clue about or can't articulate? This might be a decent sign that you can track down a decent item. Stay away from frozen foods with heaps of additives or pointless fixings. By and large, the more modest the rundown of fixings, the better. So I hope you have read the entire post to get a better idea about the best food company and quality frozen food Company in Bangladesh. How to Select Healthy Frozen Foods in Bangladesh.
Client Review
AG Food is really a great food I have ever tasted among all food chain of Bangladesh....